Full or partial dentures are considered a reliable solution for missing teeth. Replacing adult teeth as soon as they are lost is highly recommended as you might start experiencing various issues and your jawline needs the support of your teeth.
Being one of the most common solutions, dentures come with various features. There are different misconceptions about this treatment as well. Horsham Smiles in West Sussex can highlight the misconceptions around dentures before you have them.
Misleading Information about Dentures
Dentures Look Ugly: No, they are not. When you meet a skilled and experienced orthodontist for dentures, they can offer you products that look almost like your original teeth. Modern dentures even support your facial tissues to create an even facial shape.
Dentures Can Come Out: Those were old-fashioned dentures that often came out of your mouth while talking or sneezing. The modern orthodontic techniques create dentures that are customised as per your facial shape and the structure of your jawline. The chances of them falling out become almost zero.
Dentures Are Tough to Maintain: Though you might need to visit your orthodontist for some follow-up sessions even after the denture is installed, the overall maintenance is easy and simple. You can use your regular brush or use a special denture cleaner every night when you take them off.
Dentures Are Uncomfortable: Modern dental technologies have made progress so now you can have dentures that you can use all day long without any discomfort or pain. You can eat all types of foods depending upon your age and overall oral health.
Come to Horsham Smiles for reliable dentures in West Sussex. We have a highly reputable and certified orthodontist who can suggest the right kind of dentures for your lost teeth.