When you’ve lost or damaged a tooth, don’t hesitate to call for help from an Emergency Dentists in Horsham. We’re here at the ready when it comes a time that your teeth need attention! Our team will get started on finding out what happened to provide appropriate treatment as soon as possible!
Why do patients choose Horsham Smiles for emergency dental care?
Horsham is home to some of the best Emergency Dentists in Horsham and the surrounding areas. Horsham Smiles offers a service that can help with any emergency appointment, from toothache and broken or knocked-out teeth; we’ll see you as soon as possible!
Why go through life without teeth? If you have had a bad experience with your previous dentist, why not visit us today! Here at our practice, it is essential that all of our clients are happy with their treatment. Our patients praise how friendly and welcoming we make them feel compared to other dental practices they’ve visited previously. There’s no need for anyone else to suffer through this painful situation when quality can be restored quickly by simply changing dentists. Many people locally choose Horsham Smiles because we are kind and gentle, our dental treatments don’t hurt, and we offer exceptional customer service with a smoother experience.
When do you need an emergency dental appointment?
Sometimes, a toothache can be so painful that it feels like your mouth is on fire. If this has happened to you, contact Horsham Smiles today, offering emergency appointments at our clinic located in Horsham.
Head Injury: If you have just had an accident and incurred damage to your mouth, it is essential to get emergency dental care right away. If not treated quickly enough or incorrectly can lead to severe complications like an infection.
Avulsed Teeth: Avulsed teeth are those that have been knocked out of the mouth entirely and cause excessive pain. In this case, you must visit your dentist. An avulsion is an injury to one’s hard palate caused by intense pressure from outside forces (such as trauma).
Extruding Teeth: You may not have noticed it, but your teeth can extrude or retreat from the position they are in. This is a result of an accident and happens very quickly.
Broken Tooth: Broken teeth are one of the most common dental emergencies. Even if your tooth isn’t bleeding, it may need emergency care to save its life or prevent further damage from occurring in this delicate situation, so call us immediately!
Severe Pain: If you’re experiencing extreme pain, such as dental or jaw discomfort and are worried about having an X-ray to find out what’s wrong with your teeth. It would help if you visited our dentistry for help because there may be no physical symptoms associated with extruded or broken ones. However, it could still cause intense levels of suffering nonetheless!
Call us today; we are here to help you! If it’s an emergency, call 01403 261336. Horsham Smiles operates weekdays from 8 am – 6 pm with a smile professional service at affordable prices in Horsham and surrounding areas for the rest of your family’s dental needs.