Oral prosthetics such as dentures will enable you to regain your smile and help you to eat your favourite foods again. These maintenance tips are suggested by the best professionals who work with dentures in Horsham.
Clean Them Every Night
Even if it is prosthetic teeth, it is still prone to tartar, plaque, staining from highly-pigmented food or drinks. Food particles can get stuck in between them. This makes it essential to clean them every night before you go to bed. Use cold water to wash your dentures and use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean.
Keep Them in Water
Never keep your dentures out to dry, whenever they are not in use for a long time. They are prone to twist and warp if kept out to dry. You can either leave your dentures in a cleaning solution overnight or plain water. Any of these two will work. Sleeping with your dentures on at night can be harmful to your oral health.
Cleaning Your Mouth
To make your dentures last long, you need to clean your mouth too. Keeping your mouth clean will help you to fit your dentures perfectly and with ease. Clean your tongue, gums, and palate with a soft-bristled toothbrush after you have taken out the denture. By doing this you will be avoiding bad breath, plaque, and the accumulation of food particles in your mouth.
Denture Storage
When you have taken out your dentures for some time, make sure that you keep them in a plastic case. This will prevent the dentures from getting knocked out to the ground and damaging its shape. If you cannot soak them in water or a cleaning solution, you should make sure that you are keeping them safe in a plastic case. Ensure that you are keeping it in a secured place away from the reach of children or pets.
You should avoid eating ice or any hard object while you have your dentures in. If you want to get dentures in Horsham, you can visit or give a call to Horsham Smiles. They offer a variety of services when it comes to dentures.